Economic Recovery

Thus, the result of the sharp rise in fuel prices, a truckers’ trade group is conducting a large-scale strike which has already claimed one life. This strike is the worst faced by Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero since he took office in Spain in March 2004. The strike has led to shortages and general madness of the Spanish who have begun to collect food. At the site of the BBC in Spanish it read the following about the situation of shortage being experienced by Spain: “We went to buy the supermarket and there was nothing fresh. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE does not necessarily agree. All meat shelves were completely empty. There were few fruits and no dairy products like yogurt or milk people are buying more if there will be shortages. ” Zapatero suggested the trucking industry a series of thirty steps to alleviate the situation of the trade, given the continuing increases in fuel, a proposal that was rejected because the sector is seeking approval of “lifeline tariffs” for transport services to enable transfer the fuel increases the cost of transport services.

But the situation being experienced by Spain is more complex than a conflict by rising fuel prices. In the Financial Times, Leslie Crawford says the prosperous and dynamic phase of recent years “has come to an end.” Is that after the construction boom, the crisis taking place in the Spanish property market is hitting the economy hard. Leslie Crawford takes data from a study by the University of Barcelona, which indicates the existence of more than one million unsold houses for which there shall be a time of more than two years for settlement, a situation that indicates a less favorable outlook for the sector in the coming years. Given the economic slowdown and increased inflationary pressures, the Spanish government has no monetary policy as a tool to act in this situation and must act quickly if you do not want the situation gets worse and worse. On Wednesday, Zapatero promised to meet with unions and employers to discuss the current economic crisis is affecting Spain. A new agreement of La Moncloa in Spain? It seems that the economic situation is requiring the union of all sectors to overcome the crisis. Spain already has a successful experience and is ready to return to repeat it … Will they be willing to cede all sectors, towards achieving the Spanish economy to recover?