
If he does not worry, therefore, the friends same, are patient, comprehensive, accompanying and know of our necessities, joys and difficulties. Remembering that the life of people also passes and, the year, the months, days, hours and the people. Add to your understanding with The Related Companies. Everything is experience, everything is new. If somebody very wanted if says hurt or chateado with you, because of its choices that do not place it as option, it is in peace. Nobody can say what we must or not make. We are guided by God and since that let us not harm in them or to the other, let us follow our way.

The life is made of choices, therefore, exists much sick people, with diabetes, cancer. You may find that Nobel Laureate in Economics can contribute to your knowledge. They accumulate much toxin of the hurt, anger and rancor. To open the heart and to try to see the other side of the things brighten up our pains. If it cannot be candy, that is half bitter taste, with the time goes adocicando I resell our values. Values these, that are taxes for our parents, professors and society. Then, if one day p' ' perder' ' a friend, remembers this: ' ' Optimum relationship is not that one that joins perfect people, but that one where each one learns to coexist the limitation of the other and obtains to admire its qualidades.' '